Monday, May 24, 2010


Thanks to the North Face store in Hanover for a great deal on a quality hydration pack!

And thanks to Hanover Outdoors for their gear donations!

Maddy and I really appreciate the support from local businesses!

Also, I still have a ton of gear to buy, so if anyone has anything I could borrow or if you would like to donate some gear, please send me an email ( Thanks!!


I finally got my bike last weekend! Exciting! The weather here has been unbelievably nice, so biking is fantastic. I also go to school in an amazingly beautiful area. I'm always riding along meadows or the river (which is great to jump into!).

Thanks to The Bike Hub in Norwich, Vermont for all the help! They fitted us, assembled our bikes, and gave us a discount on a lot of gear. And they taught us how to use our clipless pedals...which has been quite an adventure.

Check out The Bike Hub's site! They were really helpful/knowledgeable when we were there!