About Me

My name is Noam Rosenthal, and I am a freshman at Dartmouth College this year. At school I play ultimate, work in a bio lab, am an active member of STAND (an anti-genocide coalition), and I love to just hang out with friends. I don't have an official major yet, but I am interested in biology and chemistry. Being from California, I love the sun and being outside. I love to hike, bike, canoe, swim, etc... I also really love to travel. I've been to a few really cool places around the world (Botswana, Costa Rica, Israel, and Ecuador), but I haven't seen a lot of the US. Going to college has been my first real experience on the east coast! I am really excited to see more of the country, and I can't think of a better way to do that than to bike from Providence to Seattle.
I love biking, but I don't have much experience; I biked to work every day last summer, but I have never been on a major ride, and I'm really excited for the challenge. The little biking I have done has been really fun. I heard about Bike & Build through my school; a bunch of people here have done trips before. I thought the idea was a little intimidating, but really great. As a member of STAND (and a policy debater in high school) I have learned a lot about conflicts and issues all over the world, and I am starting to learn about some important issues here in the U.S. After hearing about Bike & Build, I started looking for info about affordable housing, and I hope to get more involved with Habitat for Humanity in the spring (I have participated in one build so far, and it was lots of fun).

I'm really excited meet other crazy people this summer and see the country! Its going to be an amazing journey, and I can't wait!