Saturday, August 14, 2010

What we do with your donations!

So a lot of you donated money to bike and build in my name (thank you!!!), so here is what we do with it. In total, with all of our pre-trip donations and during-trip donations minus what we spend on food and gas, our trip will be donating $71,000 to affordable housing. That is split up in 4 ways. We give some money to habitat for humanity: providence chapter because they sponser a lot of stuff on our trip and are generally a great organization. Each church/school/organization that hosts us gets $100 to donate to an affordable housing affiliate in the area. Each rider gets $500 to donate to an affordable housing organization of his or her choice. And finally, we give $18,000 in grants.

The way grants work is that organizations send in applications for up to $10,000. We all read them over, discuss them, and choose which ones to fund. I've read about 6 out of 10 so far (we have to read them by tomorrow), and they are all pretty interesting so far.

So that's how we spend our money! Only about $6000 total goes to all of everybody's food, gas, etc... for the whole summer. We're pretty low maintenance...

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