Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Whooooo!!! Life is sooo good!

I'm writing from Granby, connecticut using wifi from a host church on my phone (sorry for type-o' phone keyboard is not great). So far, I've biked about 105 miles from providence in two days. It's been amazing.

We started with 2 days of orientation in Providence where we went on a practice ride n learned a few techniques (sharp turns, fast stops, etc...). I am sporting crazy bruises and chain grease marks, but I know a lot more about fixing bikes! Our last day in providence was a build day. We painted a duplex home with providence habitat. Lots of fun.

Yesterday we rode from providence on pomphret Connecticut (~45 miles). It was a great ride, and we still had lots of energy when we got there to paint our trailer and play soccer and frisbee.

Today we rode about 60 miles across hilly Connecticut. Way more tiring than yesterday...the furthest I've ever ridden! It was pretty incredible. I'm getting to know my group, and loving every minute!

Basically, we wake up at 6 am (we're all passed out by 11pm), have breakfast, pump our tires, and head out in groups of 3-6. Everything is beautiful and riding all day is just amazing. The group is also really great (tons of ultimate players!!). Im the youngest, which is pretty cool. Lots of really interesting people and stories. We get a ton of our meals donated (we don't pay for any meals unless we decide to go out), and Maddy and I are competing to see who can get the most free ice cream. So basically best summer ever! I hope we keep staying in awesome wifi areas, but we'll see. I'll keep trying!

Location:N Granby Rd,Granby,United States

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